This has been a journey.
Wow. Nearly a month ago I began working on this for a school project. Now, I'm in love with Unity. This isn't the last time you'll hear from me, and I have a youtube video on this in the works. But jesus man... I love game development. I love doing THIS. I just... man I love it. I've mentioned on the page that Mehlted had helped me start this project, but I realized that he also helped me end it. I'm being so serious, if Mehlted never helped me start out this project, I would've never grown the way that I have. Jeez man. I'm gonna Mehlted youtube and my youtube below, seriously, check out mehlteds stuff. He deserves it for the amount of effort he puts in.
Once again, this isn't the last you'll hear from me. Merely the beginning.
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